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LedConfig Privacy Policy

Last updated: 【April】 【17th】, 【 2023】

Thank you for choosing the LedConfig! The LedConfig is provided by QSTECH Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “QSTECH” or “We”). It is an efficient tool to connect and control LED devices, whereby you can adjust the LED devices and use the screen mirroring, split-screen displaying function or other continually-updating functions wirelessly. We may collect and use your personal data when you use the LedConfig to control the LED devices.

In this Privacy Policy, we will explain to you about the purposes, method and scope of the collection and use of your personal data by us, your rights to your personal data, and the security measures we take to protect your data.

Before using the LedConfig, please read this Privacy Policy carefully to learn our practices to protect your personal data. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy and not consent to our process of the personal data, you can opt out by clicking “Disagree”, and that may lead to the circumstance that we are not able to provide you with the service of LedConfig. If you click “Agree” to continue, it means that you fully and clearly understand the following terms regarding data collection and usage, your rights to your personal data, etc.

Here is the content list for our Privacy Policy:

I.What is the Legal Basis of Our Process of Your Personal Data

II.How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

III.How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

IV.How We Share, Transfer and Disclose Your Personal Data

V.How We Retain Your Personal Data

VI.How Your Personal Data Is Transferred Globally

VII.How We Protect Your Personal Data

IX.How We Process Children’s Personal Data

X.How This Policy is Updated

XI.Data Controller Information

I. What is the Legal Basis of Our Process of Your Personal Data

We only process the data as we are permitted by applicable laws. There are certain reasons that ensure our lawfulness of the data process. Our legal basis for collecting and using the personal information described above will depend on the personal information concerned and the specific context in which we collect it.

Your consent to the process of your personal data for one or more specific purposes is the most used legal basis and optimal selection for your privacy and personal data concern, as you may consent when using our service and consent with the process of personal data under this Privacy Policy.

However, there is other legal basis other than your consent. In the conditions where we need the personal information to perform a contract with you, where we have a legal obligation to do so or where the process is in our legitimate interests (such as process for administrative purposes, direct marketing, product development or improvement, preventing fraud or criminal acts and in support of information security) and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms, we are entitled to process your personal data as well.

We strive to protect your right in knowing and choosing the optimal solution for your privacy and personal data, and use the legal basis other than your consent when we have to do so. If we collect and use your personal information based on our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), we will take reasonable steps to provide clear notice and describe our legitimate interests unless applicable laws address confidentiality duty to us in a specific rare occasion.

The mostly used legal basis other than your consent to process of personal data are below:

(1) Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by us or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedom of you;

(2) Processing is necessary for the performance of a contract or at your request prior to entering into a contract;

(3) Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation;

(4) Processing is necessary to protect the vital interests of you or of another natural person.

(5) Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.

II. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Data

We collect personal data for more efficient operation and to provide you with best usage experience. Our channels to collect personal data include: (1) data directly provided by you to us; (2) data we obtain when you use the LedConfig automatically.

The data we collect depends on the feature you actually use, the environment in which you interact with us, the choices you make. The data we collect may also be used for ensuring the safety, stead and updated of your use of our service. Under the following conditions, we may collect and use your corresponding data listed below.

1. Connecting to the LED Devices

You may connect your mobile devices to specific LED Devices via LedConfig. We may obtain the We may collect and use your location data and network connecting (WiFi List of your mobile devices) , which may enable us to correctly identify the LED Devices of nearby when pairing your devices with the LED devices. The aforesaid data is generally locally stored in your mobile devices and will not upload to our data server.

To confirm that the connection is steady and reliable, we may monitoring the status of the LED devices and your mobile devices. We may, at the minimum requirement, collect and use the data that linked to status, configuration and running of the LED devices and your mobile devices. For example,the IP address, hardware type and number, production data. The aforesaid data is generally locally stored in your mobile devices and will not upload to our data server.

To provide better network connection while you using our service, we may, especially when fluctuation of the usage of network occurs, collect use and store the WiFi configuration, MAC data, network connection status, error or crash report from the LED devices and your mobile devices. We may upload them to our data server for error solution and service analysis that are essential for our service.

2. LED Devices Control

You may using the LED devices controlling function after connecting to the LED devices with your mobile devices.

You may confirm whether the LED you are using needs the upgrade function. After you have connected, in order to determine whether your display needs to be upgraded and updated, we need to collect and use your display's MAC data, log data, devices ID, networking data, system name, system version, and country code during the OTA upgradation and installment.

You may control your LED devices and set the configuration of them. You may further use per-installed application in your LED devices to spark more functions. In order to provide you with such abilities and check pre-installed applications on your LED devices, we need tocollect and use the installed application list of your display, the system name, system version, version number and version name of the pre-installed applications on your LED devices.

3. Screen Sharing and Split-screen Displaying

We may collect and store the QR code popped up by the LED devices screen sharing software which you scanned when using the screen mirroring function, for the avoidance of duplicate scanning. In no event shall we collect or store such data unless you explicitly grant permission for us to access your cameras and albums.

In order to assist you quickly enter the text data that has been copied of your mobile devices, we may read and write the clipboard data of your mobile devices when you copy and paste it based on the system requirements of your mobile devices when you are screen sharing. The aforesaid data is generally locally stored in your mobile devices and will not upload to our data server.

When you use the program list function, we need to use the camera of your mobile device and to access your album, so that you can select the photo or video you need to sharing on the screen you connected,.We will not collect the information you share.

4. Basic Security of the Service and Automatic Adjustment to the Optimal Mode

We collect and use the devices information, application running information, including your devices model, software version, operating system, operating system version number, your devices ID, network connection, devices operation system, devices model and devices resolution as necessary to determine account security, devices authentication, error detection, and security incident prevention, as well as enable the LedConfig to automatically make configuration adjustment to an optimal mode for both you LED devices and mobile devices.

5. Customer Service

If you have any questions about the Software and/or our services, you may contact our customer service. Our customer service representatives may verify your name, your contact information, the information of the LED devices or mobile devices you have and other information disclosed during your contact with customer service representatives, the specific information may vary depending on the issue you are inquiring about.

III. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

1. What is Cookie and Similar Technologies

Cookie is a small piece of file that our websites, Apps, or services transfer to and store on your devices. Our websites, online services, interactive Apps, emails and advertisements may use Cookies and other similar technologies, such as pixel tags and web beacons. These Cookies may be stored on your devices for a short period of time (e.g., only when your browser is open) or for a longer period of time, even years.

There is some technologies that are similar to Cookies and enable various functions, for example, web beacon and user agent.

2. How We Use Cookie and Similar Technologies

(1) We and our partners use Cookie or similar tracking technologies to better understand the use of mobile software on your devices, how often you use, what events occur within the App, cumulative usage, performance data, and from where the App was downloaded. We will not link the information stored in the analysis software to any personal data you submit in the mobile App.

(2) We and our partners use Cookie or similar tracking technologies to analyze trends, manage websites, track user behaviors on the websites, and collect aggregate demographic information of our user base.

(3) Many web browsers have the “Do Not Track” feature. This feature may send a “Do Not Track” request to websites. If your browser has turned on “Do Not Track”, all of our sites will respect this preference.

(4) Like most websites, we may automatically collect certain information to analyze cumulative trends and manage our sites. This information may include the IP address, browser type, Internet service provider (ISP), reference/exit page, files you view on our sites (such as HTML pages and graphics), operating system, date/time stamps, and/or clickstream data.

(5) We work with third parties to display advertisements on our websites or to manage our advertisements on other websites. Our authorized partners may use cookies or similar tracking technologies to provide you with advertising based on your browsing activities and interests. If you want to opt out of interest-based ads. Please note that you will continue to receive general ads that are not personally targeted.

IV. How We Share, Transfer and Disclose Your Personal Data

1. How We Share and Transfer Your Personal Data

We may, from time to time, share and transfer some personal data with our associated companies and strategic partners that work with us to provide products and services, in order to provide the products or services you request.

(1) Affiliates: In order to provide you with services based on the LedConfig, we may share your personal data with our affiliates.If we or our affiliates change the use and process purpose of personal data, we will ask for your consent again.

(2) Sharing with Authorized Partners: Some of our services will be provided by our authorized partners solely for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. We may share some of your personal data with our partners to provide services and to improve user experience.

We will only share or transfer your personal data for lawful, legitimate, necessary, specific, and express purposes, and will only share personal data that is necessary for the service. Meanwhile, we will require the above-mentioned third parties to take appropriate confidentiality and security measures to process personal data through agreements or other appropriate means.

2. How We Publicly Disclose Your Personal Data

We will only publicly disclose your personal data if it is mandatorily required by laws, in compliance with subpoena, legal proceedings, legal actions or compulsory request by supervisory department of government agencies. If we sincerely believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, ensure your or others’ safety, investigate fraud or respond to government, we may publicly disclose your personal data.

V. How We Retain Your Personal Data

The retention period for personal data is the minimum time necessary to achieve the collection purposes, except the law requires a longer period. We will delete or anonymize personal data beyond the above retention period. If we cease to operate LedConfig for special reasons, we will promptly inform you and stop the collection and process of relevant personal data, and we will delete or anonymize the personal data we hold that is related to the LedConfig, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

VI. How Your Personal Data Is Transferred Globally

As a company headquartered in China and based on global operations, we will provide products or services through resources and servers all over the world. We strive to store your personal data in your jurisdiction (for EEA, this may mean within the European Union).

However, your personal data may need to be transferred globally for business purposes. In order to analyze the performance of the products and services and improve functionality, the personal data collected and generated during the global use of products may be transmitted to China and stored in a third-party cloud server in China. We will take corresponding protective measures according to the requirements of applicable laws to ensure data security.

Whenever we transfer personal information to a country outside the EEA, we ensure that the information is transferred in accordance with this Transfer Privacy Statement and as permitted by applicable data protection laws. We rely on European Commission adequacy decisions or use Standard Clauses Contract published by the European Commission for such transfers.

VII. How We Protect Your Personal Data

1. How We Protect Your Personal Data

We use appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data that we collect and process about you. The measures we use are designed to provide a level of security appropriate to the risk of process your personal data. Specific measures we use include regular malware scanning, encryption, access control, etc. Your personal data is contained behind secure networks and is only accessible by a limited number of people who have special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential.

2. Notification and Response of Personal Data Security Incident

However, please note that while we have taken reasonable steps to protect your personal data, no website, Internet transmission, computer system, or wireless connection is absolutely secure. In the event of a personal data security incident, we will, in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, promptly inform you of the following: the basic situation and possible impact of the security incident, disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for your self-protection and risk mitigation, remedies for you, etc. We will timely inform you of the relevant situation of the event by email, letter, telephone, or push notification. When it is difficult to inform the personal data subjects individually, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner. Meanwhile, we will also actively report the handling of the personal data security incident in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

VIII. Your Rights to Your Personal Data

We respect your rights to your personal data. A list of your legal rights as well as the measures that we take to protect these rights is made below.

If you contact us and assert your rights, we will respond and reply to you as soon as possible. Generally, we will reply to you within one month upon receipt of your request (if necessary, we may extend it by an additional two months as permitted by law. We will inform you the reason for the extension within the aforementioned period, such as the request is too complicated or too much in volume).

Please note that, due to security reasons, we may verify your identity before process your request. In principle, we do not charge any fees if your request is reasonable. However, based on the actual situation, we may impose a certain fee to cover our costs for repeated requests or requests that extend reasonable limits. We may reject requests that are unreasonably repetitive, require disproportionate technical effort (for example, developing a new system or fundamentally changing an existing practice), may be detrimental to the legal rights and interests of others, or are very impractical. In addition, we may not be able to respond to your request if your request is directly related to matters involving national security, national defense, public health, criminal investigation and other public interests, or if the request may severely impair the legitimate rights and interests of yours or those of other individuals and organizations.

1. Right to Be Informed

We will inform you of how we process your personal data by publishing this Privacy Policy. We are committed to being open and transparent about how we use your personal data.

2. Right to Access

You can directly query or access your personal data on our product or service interface. You may also contact us and request access to your personal data in the manner disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

3. Right to Rectification

When you find that the personal data we processed about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to have it rectified or completed by us. For personal data that has not been made available for your own modification, you may contact us and request corrections or additions to your personal data in the manner disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

4. Right to Delete

You may choose to delete some of the personal data you have submitted to us. For some of your personal data, you can delete them directly on the product page. You may also request that we delete your personal data by contacting us in the manner disclosed in this Privacy Policy if we have not yet provided you with a channel for the deletion of your personal data, or if we do not have legal bases to continue the retention of your personal data.

5. Right to Restrict Processing

You are entitled to request us to restrict processing of your personal data. This means we can store your personal data but cannot process it. We only retain data needed for future response. You can contact us in the manner disclosed in this Privacy Policy to achieve your right to restrict processing.

6. Right to Data Portability

Within scope permitted laws and regulations, you are entitled to obtain your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine readable format. For instance, if you decide to change the service provider, this right enables you to reliably and safely move, copy or easily transfer your personal data between IT systems without affecting its use. After your formal consent, you can exercise your right of data portability by contacting us in the manner disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

7. Right to Object

Even if the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interest, exercise of public right, direct marketing (including data aggregation) and statistics, you have right to refuse our process to your personal data by contacting us in the manner disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

8. Right to Withdraw Consent

If you consent to our process of your personal data but later need to withdraw, you can withdraw your consent at any time and we will stop processing.

Some of the data are collected through the function provided by your mobile devices, for example, the photo or video (video flows) taken via the camera of your mobile devices, the location provided by the GPS of your mobile devices. Most of mobile devices provides with settings to change such permissions.

If you withdraw your consent, we will no longer be able to provide you with the corresponding service for which you have withdrawn your consent. Once you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal data. But your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the processing of personal data based on your previous consent prior to the withdrawal.

9. Right to Complain

You are entitled to make further complaint to the competent authorities in your jurisdiction on our privacy and personal data protection. We are sorry that we are not satisfied with our service but we uphold your right to make further complaint. If you think your personal data right and interest has been infringed, you may also file a lawsuit in a court within your jurisdiction.

For EEA users, you may check the competent authorities in Data Protection Authorities web page provided by European Commission.

IX. How We Process Children’s Personal Data

Pursuant to the relevant laws, if you are a minor that are under the age of 16, you shall obtain consent from your parents or legal guardians before using the relevant products or services. If you are the child’s guardian, you should read this Policy carefully before you assist the child on using the LedConfig.

Most of our services do not target children under the age of 16. For these services, we do not actively collect, store, use, transfer, or disclose the personal data of children under the age of 16 through the Internet or other manners. If you are a child under the age of 16, a parent or legal guardian of a child, or if you otherwise find out that we collect, store or use information that may include personal data of children under the age of 16, you may contact us promptly in the manner disclosed in this Policy and we will take steps to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.

If the region you are in permit a lower age for minor to consent to personal data process on their own, we may comply with if we are told or aware of such conditions, and enable more choices for those data subjects.

X. How This Policy is Updated

This Privacy Policy is subject to updates or revisions from time to time. We will post notices on our website.

This Privacy Policy allows adjustments. However, without your express consent, we will not diminish your rights under this Policy.

If you do not agree to the above Privacy Policy and consent to our updated process of personal data, we will not be able to collect and use the data necessary to provide the service, which will lead to that we are not able to provide you with services of LedConfig.

This Privacy Policy shall come into force as of the date of update.

XI. Data Controller Information

Unless otherwise stated, the personal data you provide in LedConfig is processed by the data controller, QSTECH Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “QSTECH” or “We”), domiciled in 7 Biyuan 2nd Road, Hi-Tech Zone, Xi'an, 710118, China, for the sake of providing quality screen control and screen mirroring services.

Our service in LedConfig may contain links to third-party websites, products, and services. You can choose whether to visit or accept websites, products, and services offered by third parties. We have no control over third-party privacy and data protection policies as such third parties are not bound by this Privacy Policy. Before you submit personal data to third parties, please refer to their privacy policies.

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or related personal data protection practice, please contact us in the following manners:

Please Note that you need to speak to Data Protection Body for any issues concerning personal data protection.

Telephone: +86 029 8177 9031


Address: Wenxuan 3rd Road, Wangsi Street, Fengdong New Town, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R. China (710086)

Service & support: +86 020-82260169

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